Monday, October 29, 2007

My Last Weekend

Last weekend I went to Suphanburi with my family because it was Retreat-Ending Day ,is important day for Buddhist. On the morning we went to the temple to made merit and virtue on a temple hall had many people ,who came from many places. At the temple I met my relative ,we talk together about many thing. After that we want to went to the Bung Chawag, my family agreed to carried 5 children in our car 2 of them is my cousins ,and 3 them is my nieces ,they’re very to pushed. At first we went to the aquarium it has 3 buildings in this zone the highlight of zone is a big tank because they has a show the man feed sharks in the tank every 2 hours at the back of aquarium buildings is alligator pond, at here we saw the alligator show it was so exciting show, when we finished form the show we walked along the big bog to the herb and vegetable garden we tour around the garden by tram car in this garden I saw the cage in the cage has little garden and many kind of butterfly. After we finished we go to had lunch, and went to the highlight zone of Bung Chawag, is the zoo zone, when we came in the zoo at the entrance we can saw lion and tiger live together in the cage and many kind of animal live in their cage and when we walked along the way ,we met the very big cage is the biggest cage of the zoo in the cage have many kind of bird ,they live with a little deer. At the last zone ,is the rabbit island I most like this zone because in this zone has many many !!! rabbits they’re very cute, when we finished at this zone we came back home. I thought it very tried ,but funny weekend.