Saturday, January 26, 2008

Quiz quiz....

On Monday, I go to the university for study. First subject is English this week, Today my friends don’t come to class in class we learn about Limitation in Chapter 4 and A.Jasper told that we will have a quiz for Tuesday next week in Chapter 1-7. I think I must try to read it very hard because my score is not good for me. When I finish English class I wait my friend at the ground floor for go to have a lunch with them ,bit when they come some of them tell me that her sister is in hospital and she hurry to go there. So that I go to wait my teacher for study at the class room. Today I learn about damage. After class I go to Seven Eleven for buy some candy and go to class room for waiting to learn Philosophy of Law but today my teacher doesn’t come and class is cancel. And I go home.

On Tuesday, I go to study English but my friend go to Kasembundit University for a badminton competition. After class I go to have lunch and go home. When I arrive at home I sleep for one hour and when I wake up because my friend call me to go to school with her because she want to borrow a bible form school to do her work, when I arrive to school my friend doesn’t come yet. So I go to talk with my sister and her friend because they’re break. After break my friend come, we go to library and talk with teacher at the library to borrow when she give the Bible for my friend. She search data, that she want very fast and copy it into her note book. When she finish her work we go to take a walk around the school, meet our teachers, and eat something for wait my sister to back home together. But my sister tell me she want to go to Tawanna to buy a gift for her friend so that we go to Tawanna together my sister buy a gift for her friend , I buy my T-shirt ,and my friend buy her cosmetics at The Mall Bangkapi. After that we back home.

On Wednesday, I have a Tax Law class in the morning. I think I come to class late but when I come into class my teacher doesn’t come yet. Next week this subject have a test about how to calculate tax and, I think I can do it. After Tax law class I go to study English for lawyer class teacher give a case and question students and tell student write an answer in English, it’s very hard. After that I go to receive my mother at Bangna with my sister because tomorrow my sister will go to camp.

On Thursday, my sister go to camp at Saraburi in the morning but I don’t go to send her because I wake up late. I am very bored when she’s go. I go to university, I have English class first. After that I go to meet my friend and go to study Partnership and Company Law. After class we go to eat ice-cream because my friends persuade me to go to Kasembundit University, but I can’t go because the car is full. So that I go back home, when I arrive home my brother tell me that he broken heart because that the girl that she like her has a boyfriend I’m very laughable and my brother isn’t sorry about that.

P.S. I miss my sister.

On Friday, I watch a movie at home with my father and go to buy some things at the Bangkapi market with him. I want to make Blueberry cheese pies for my sister because she will come back tomorrow.

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