Saturday, December 15, 2007

I want more time!! +++

Today, I did not went out any where. I just do my housework ,and cleaned my room . I wake up so late today about 9.30 am. because last night I chat with my friends . While I was my clothes by washing matchien, when I finsihed it and I would to hang my clothes . Now I will search to the internet at about my mid-term exam schdule, this day I really busy cause I will go to sent my mother at the air port at4.30 pm. ,she will go to Vitenam to work, sent my broter to go to study math at HappyLand, and sent my sister to study Engilsh and Biology at Visuittanee. Before my mother go to Vietnam she want to buy some cloths. we will go to buy its after I sent my brother and sister to study finish. But now I didn't finish my homework and I have a mid-term exam on Wednesday, I want to read a book more before the exam day, my english is not good but I will try to read it hard for the exam. I think today is hurry day for me.

Busy Day

Yesterday is very busy day for me ,cause today my friend have a birthday party at her home ,but today at the school have a party too! At first, I go to the mall Bangkapi for broth the gift to my friend and I met Ann at here. I very excited , cause I never see her for long time. She said she will go to school with me. We go to shopping and had lunch. After that we go to school by her car. When we arrived at school many friend waiting there. We go to the church first cause in church have a Missa ,when we came in the party. We met many old student, who graduated from this school ,form 14 generations. When the party open we talk and eat too much. We take many photo together. After the school party I will go to Ami home. I met Ant and Ton at the front school and they will go to Ami home same as me. They invited me to go together so that I go to Ami home by Ant car. At the party have a many food and BBQ ,but I’m very full. My friends drank some alcohol but I don’t drank cause my brother didn’t like.We ate the cake. After that my father came and I go back home.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Go to School!!!

On Monday, I go to Assumption university. I have English class at 11.00 AM. ,in class Mr. Jasper give new text for students in class, and give questions about the text, that make me can understand more. After English class I wait my friends at downstairs of S building, when I meet them we go eat noodle together and go to Law of Delict class, in class has many student more than last week, this class finish at 4.30 PM. My last class is Philosophy of law, I think this subject is boring for me, cause I don’t interest about the Philosophy ,and I tired and feel sleepy in this day, when class finish I go home take a shower and sleep before I will sick!!!

On Tuesday, in the morning I feel sick. I tell my father for a symptom of sickness, he give me some medicines. I take the medicines and sleep for 1 hour, when I wake up I feel OK and prepare to go to the university. Today I have only the English class, when I arrive an sit at my seat Mr. Jasper come in class and say “Today have an oral test”, that make me feel sick again but have many student in class and time is up. My oral test therefore on Thursday. After that I go home, have a lunch with my father, take medicines, and sleep. At 3.30 PM. My father wake me to go to receive my sister at her school, we go to arrive at the school before she finish the class then I walk to her class room, I meet my sister and her friends. They talk and laugh very loudly but I like to talk with them. I know everyone, who’s my sister friends cause I graduated from this school and I like to go to school when I have a free time, it make me feel relaxed. After that we return to home, I have a dinner, take a shower and go to bed.

On Wednesday, first class is Tax law in the schedule class’s start at 9.30 AM. but today my teacher come to class very late. After Tax law class is English for lawyer class, in class teacher give many new words about law, and watch the movie in class, when I finish English for lawyer class, I go to eat a noodles with my friends. And the last class for today is specific contract law II. After class I go to The Mall Bangkapi for buy pens and go home.

On Thursday, I’m very exciting today because I have an oral test [HO!], when the test pass by, I have a Law class. After that I go to my old school, because I appoint with my sister friend, we go to music room, cause she must sing in Christmas day at school and she want to exercise her voice skill. I like to listen her sing a song. When she finish I go to send her at home and I return to my home.

On Friday, today I don’t have class at the university. I go to school in the morning. At first, I go to meet my teacher and talk about many thing. After that my teacher have a class and I go to walk around the school and sit at the church for wait my sister take a noon break. When my sister come I go to have a lunch with her and her friends they like to talk more than eat [555+]. After brake my sister go to her class and I go to borrow the tennis racket and tennis ball from her class, cause next from my sister room is tennis court. I play with children, who play in that court. After I play tennis finish, I go to the library for sleep [not read a book. 555+]. When wake up is just enough a time that my sister finish I go to her class and we back home.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

First week!!!

On Monday, is the first day of semester 2, I’m very lazy to wake up at the morning because, I have 3 class on this day. First class of this semester is English II, I study at room S32 with A.Jasper, who give homework for make the blog. After I finished English class I wait my friends, who study at the next form my room for a minute, and go to have a lunch at back of C building. After that I have a Law of Delict class at room C41, in this room is very cold because it’s the big room but have only 10 students in class, and when I finished at this class I have the last class of this day is Philosophy of law class, after that I come back to my home and start to make this blog.

On Tuesday, I have only one class at the university after I finished my class I go to The Mall Bangkapi for meet my father and my sister they wait me to have a lunch after that we come back home and sleep.

On Wednesday, today is very cold. I have Tax law class at the morning, I feel very sleepy and lazy in the class, after Tax law class I go to eat noodles at the back of C building with my friends, and go to English for lawyer class, at the first class is dictation, it’s very hard for me, when I finish this class I go to the next class is the Specific Contracts class, and go home.

On Thursday, I go to university at 11.00 am., go to English class with my friend and after class I met my old friends, we talk together for a shot time because I have a class of Partnership and Company Law, when I finish this class I go to receive my brother and my sister at their schools, we go to The Mall for buy my books and many things.

On Friday, I go to shopping with my sister, and go to receive my brother and my sister at their schools.

On Saturday, I have a criminal law class at the morning, after that i go to shopping with my family, and go home.

Monday, October 29, 2007

My Last Weekend

Last weekend I went to Suphanburi with my family because it was Retreat-Ending Day ,is important day for Buddhist. On the morning we went to the temple to made merit and virtue on a temple hall had many people ,who came from many places. At the temple I met my relative ,we talk together about many thing. After that we want to went to the Bung Chawag, my family agreed to carried 5 children in our car 2 of them is my cousins ,and 3 them is my nieces ,they’re very to pushed. At first we went to the aquarium it has 3 buildings in this zone the highlight of zone is a big tank because they has a show the man feed sharks in the tank every 2 hours at the back of aquarium buildings is alligator pond, at here we saw the alligator show it was so exciting show, when we finished form the show we walked along the big bog to the herb and vegetable garden we tour around the garden by tram car in this garden I saw the cage in the cage has little garden and many kind of butterfly. After we finished we go to had lunch, and went to the highlight zone of Bung Chawag, is the zoo zone, when we came in the zoo at the entrance we can saw lion and tiger live together in the cage and many kind of animal live in their cage and when we walked along the way ,we met the very big cage is the biggest cage of the zoo in the cage have many kind of bird ,they live with a little deer. At the last zone ,is the rabbit island I most like this zone because in this zone has many many !!! rabbits they’re very cute, when we finished at this zone we came back home. I thought it very tried ,but funny weekend.