Saturday, December 15, 2007

I want more time!! +++

Today, I did not went out any where. I just do my housework ,and cleaned my room . I wake up so late today about 9.30 am. because last night I chat with my friends . While I was my clothes by washing matchien, when I finsihed it and I would to hang my clothes . Now I will search to the internet at about my mid-term exam schdule, this day I really busy cause I will go to sent my mother at the air port at4.30 pm. ,she will go to Vitenam to work, sent my broter to go to study math at HappyLand, and sent my sister to study Engilsh and Biology at Visuittanee. Before my mother go to Vietnam she want to buy some cloths. we will go to buy its after I sent my brother and sister to study finish. But now I didn't finish my homework and I have a mid-term exam on Wednesday, I want to read a book more before the exam day, my english is not good but I will try to read it hard for the exam. I think today is hurry day for me.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

You seem to be a very busy girl indeed. What kind of business does your mum do in Vietnam?